The Cave of the Apocalypse

The Sacred Cave of the Apocalypse on Patmos Island

The Sacred Cave of the Apocalypse is situated on Patmos Island between the Port of Patmos, Skala and Chora, approximately in the middle of the route. Apart from other means of transportation you can visit the Cave of the Apocalypse on foot through the historic trail that connects Skala to Chora of Patmos Island.

The Cave of the Apocalypse

This sacred site inside the cave is a foundation of the Christian tradition, the rock is ragged with three small fissures which symbolize the Holy Trinity, and the voice of God was heard and dictated to Saint John the text of the Revelation. Afterwards he recited it to Prochorus his disciple and assistant who recorded it.

The cave was transformed into a devotional site by the founder of the Monastery of Patmos Island, Holy Christodoulos. The whole complex is now a part of the Monastery of the Apocalypse. From the entrance of the buildings of the Apocalypse one descends several steps and first enters the integrated small temple located just beside the cave. To the right one can see the imposing site of the cave.

The Cave of the Apocalypse is an important place of pilgrimage for all Christians throughout the world. Of course more so for Orthodox Christians. While many believers of other denominations that have been touched by the text of the Apocalypse consider the importance of Patmos Island, it’s Monastery and the Cave of the Apocalypse and would like to visit it.

You can see more photos in photogallery: Sacred Cave of the Apocalypse Photos

Holy Monastery of St. John the Theologian on Patmos Island

The Holy Monastery of Patmos was founded by Holy Christodoulos. During the reign of Arabic influence, Patmos Island was almost a deserted island. In 1088 a gifted and educated monk called Christodoulos otherwise known as ‘Latrinos’ more